Auto thefts are on the rise.  Here are some steps and actions that citizens can take to protect their property and prevent a theft of their vehicles.

When utilizing some or all of these suggestions contact your insurance provider and inquire if they will qualify you for a reduction in premiums.

Vehicle Theft Deterrents:

  • Steering wheel locks – mounts to the steering wheel and is also a visual deterrent
  • Ignition kill switches – prevents the ability to start vehicle.
  • Vehicle tracking system – GPS or similar device that will assisting in locating your vehicle.
  • Faraday Bag – for push button start vehicles and reduces the ability for the thief to clone the key.
  • Car alarm – audible deterrent but only effective if someone notices.

When Parking At Home:

  • If you have a garage, use it, and take care to ensure it locks and is closed.
  • Store keys in a faraday bag/container/box.
  • Invest in video cameras and ensure they are strategically positioned.
  • Install a motion sensor light to illuminate the area where your vehicle is parked.
  • If you have a rear-wheel drive vehicle, back it into the driveway.
  • If you have a front-wheel drive vehicle, park front-end into the driveway.
  • Do NOT leave secondary keys in the vehicle or garage.
  • Do NOT warm vehicle up unattended.

When Parking In Public:

  • Never leave the car running unattended, even for a quick errand.
  • Keep windows and doors closed and locked.
  • Park in a well-lit area.
  • Avoid isolated areas.
  • Do NOT leave valuables in view.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and never hide a spare key.

If Your Vehicle Is Stolen Please Have The Following Information Ready:

  • Year, make, model and colour(S) of the vehicle.
  • Any unique markings, aftermarket accessories or other things that may make your vehicle more recognizable.
  • Licence plate number.
  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
  • Serial numbers of any special equipment.
  • Contents of the vehicle that may be of importance.

Report suspicious behaviour to police and make note of details such as licence plates, vehicle types and other identifiers.

