The South Simcoe Police Service Containment Team, also known as the Emergency Response Unit (E.R.U.), consists of sworn members whose primary focus is to be a life-saving entity and to protect those who are unable to protect themselves. The officers selected for this unit carry out their regularly assigned duties when not deployed on a tactical call for service.
The mandate of the South Simcoe Police Service E.R.U. is to safely contain situations involving armed or potentially armed or dangerous subjects and situations using minimum force.
Their purpose is to provide the citizens of our communities with a trained resource to effectively and safely contain and control a volatile situation. The team will respond to hostage situations, barricaded persons, gun calls and high risk search warrants. The E.R.U. is a police team with advanced training in specialized weapons and tactics, and in handling difficult situations with the utmost concern for the preservation of human life.
The team carries a reputation for being professional and effective in performing their duties. They are often utilized by nearby police services to assist with large scale investigations involving high risk search warrants.
The team updates their skills through regular training with our policing partners at the York Regional Police, Barrie Police Service, and the Canadian Forces. Team members are skilled at suspect apprehension using many tools, including the use of conducted energy weapons (TASER), less lethal options, and team extraction techniques.