Our Corporate Communications branch is the ‘news’ arm of the South Simcoe Police. Within the service, we provide a resource to officers to liaise with the various media outlets, to make it easier for officers to reach out for information.
Externally, the Corporate Communications Unit provides news to the citizens of South Simcoe through media releases, our Twitter feed, our Facebook page and our website. ‘Corp Comm’ members attend events, take photos, provide media with a go-to in the event of breaking news stories, and generally act as the face and voice of the Police service.
At major events, our Media Relations Officers will act as a spokesperson for the organization, answering questions and live tweeting updates as necessary. We urge the public to follow out Twitter feed, @SouthSimcoePS.
If a news conference is required, one of our trained media relations officers will co-ordinate or host the conference, answering questions and generally making the exchange of information easier. Media officers have a wealth of information at hand to cover most situations, and are more than willing to answer any question the media might have about the work of the South Simcoe Police. Provincially, we are members of the Ontario Media Relations Officer Network (OMRON), a resource that gives us access to experienced media officers from across the province for advice or guidance if required.