Collision Reporting Centres
South Simcoe Police Service in partnership with Accident Support Services International Ltd. (ASSI) is operating Collision Reporting Centre (CRC) in the town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.
The Bradford West Gwillimbury CRC:
81 Melbourne Drive
905-775-3311, ext 1015
Hours of Operation
Mon – Fri: 8am – 4pm
Closed Weekend & Holidays
Please Notes: Collisions that occur in either municipalities can be reported at the Bradford CRC location.

A Collision Reporting Centre is a facility where members of the public can report traffic collisions to meet provincial legal requirements and insurance needs.
Ontario law requires all collisions where persons are injured or where property damage exceeds $2,000 among all vehicles involved to be reported to police.
Drivers involved in property damage collisions MUST report within 48 hours to a Collision Reporting Centre. If your vehicle is disabled and requires a tow, the tow company will transport you and your vehicle to the Collision Reporting Centre directly from the scene.
Bring your documentation with you – driver’s license, ownership and insurance. The driver must report to the Collision Reporting Centre with the vehicle.
Accident Support Services International Ltd. has provided superior customer service since 1994. ASSI’s goal is to facilitate an active partnership between police and insurers in post-accident care by providing knowledgeable advice and assistance to accident victims. This results in increased convenience for the public as well as greater road safety. Supporting insurers fund the program; there is no cost to the police or the public for these services.
Upon arrival at the centre, citizens are greeted by a member of Accident Support Services’ staff, who provides help to complete the police report, applies the “Damage Reported to Police” sticker, photographs the damage to the vehicle, and offers the customer the opportunity to contact family, broker or insurance company directly from the Centre. The citizen is provided with a one-stop service opportunity for all their reporting needs. The CRC program allows us to reallocate officers from collision reporting to higher priority calls for service.
Collision reporting is moved from the side of the road to a safe and comfortable location for citizens, preventing possible secondary collisions and injuries. Police services also gain valuable insight into traffic patterns and high-risk locations through powerful analytics tools, allowing them to be proactive in their response and potentially stopping collisions before they can happen.
If you have been involved in a collision, you can begin your collision report at home by selecting the link. You will be given a reference number once all the required information is entered. Bring your reference number with you to the Collision Reporting Centre and staff will verify your documents and assist with the details of your report.