In accordance with Police Services Act of Ontario, The Bradford West Gwillimbury/Innisfil Police Services Board is comprised of five (5) members:
- The head of both municipal councils or, if the head chooses not to be a member of the board, another member of the council appointed by resolution of the council;
- One person appointed by resolution of the councils, who is neither a member of the council nor an employee of the municipality;
- Two persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council
Current Members of the Board
Mr. Todd Canning, Vice Chair (Municipal Appointee)
His Worship James Leduc, Mayor of Bradford West Gwillimbury
Mr. Chris Gariepy, Chair (Provincial Appointee)
Her Worship Lynn Dollin, Town of Innisfil
Mr. Sarbjit Singh, (Provincial Appointee)
For more information regarding the Police Service Board agenda’s and minutes, click the button below.
Roles and Responsibilities
Police Services Board carries out the following responsibilities as outlined in Section 31 (1) of Ontario’s Police Services Act:
- The Board approves the budget presented by the Chief of Police, prior to submitting it to Municipal Council for approval. The Police Services Board also negotiates collective agreements.
- appoint the members of the municipal police force;
- generally determine, after consultation with the chief of police, objectives and priorities with respect to police services in the municipality;
- establish policies for the effective management of the police force;
- recruit and appoint the chief of police and any deputy chief of police, and annually determine working conditions, taking their submissions into account;
- direct the chief of police and monitor his or her performance;
- establish policies respecting the disclosure by chiefs of police of personal information about individuals;
- receive regular reports from the chief of police on disclosures and decisions made under section 49 (secondary activities);
- establish guidelines with respect to the indemnification of members of the police force for legal costs under section 50;
- establish guidelines for dealing with complaints made under Part V;
- review the chief of police’s administration of the complaints system under Part V and receive regular reports from the chief of police on his or her administration of the complaints system.

Mailing Address
2137 Innisfil Beach Rd
Innisfil, Ontario L9S 1A2
Email: admin@sspboard.ca
If you wish to make a presentation or deputation as an individual or acting on behalf of an organization or group, please provide written notice with an outline to the Police Service Board at least 14 days prior to the meeting date.
Ministry Of Ontario Public Appointments
Ministry Of Ontario Public Appointments Document
Missing Persons Act