Media Release. Friday, May 20, 2022.

Domestic Call Results in Impaired and Dangerous Driving Charges

(Bradford, ON) On Thursday, May 19, 2022, the South Simcoe Police Service responded to a report of home being damaged during a domestic incident in Bradford. Police received information the female suspect was believed to be intoxicated. While officers were at the scene, they observed the woman drive past the home and suspected her young children were in the vehicle. The vehicle was observed driving erratically and at high speed before officers completed a rolling block and safely stopped the vehicle. There were no injuries. As a result of the investigation, a 34-year-old Bradford woman was charged with Operation While Impaired, Operation While Impaired – Excess Blood Alcohol, Dangerous Operation and Mischief Under $5,000. She was released with a future court date. Her name is not being released due to the domestic nature of this occurrence.

Impaired/Dangerous Driving Charges

(Bradford, ON) On Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at approximately 3:30 a.m., the South Simcoe Police Service responded to a single vehicle collision on Holland Street East in Bradford. There were no injuries. As a result of the investigation, 26-year-old Liam Gamble of Innisfil was charged Operation While Impaired, Operation While Impaired – Excess Blood Alcohol, Dangerous Operation and Drug Possession. He was released with a future court date.

The South Simcoe Police Service wishes everyone a very safe, happy Victoria Day weekend. Regardless of the type of vehicle or vessel you’re operating, always drive sober and drive safe. Let’s make this weekend memorable for happy reasons.
